Interim Report on the Implementation of Development Directions of Polish Official Statistics until 2017

At the end of 2014, the Polish official statistics reached the halfway point in the implementation of the long-term development program, i.e. set objectives and planned development activities, which were reflected in the document Development Directions of Polish Official Statistics until 2017.
Like in 2012, when preparing the aforementioned directional strategic document, we were following the need to inform our partners and users of statistical information about the adopted vision of development of the Polish official statistics and our plans in its pursuit, also when preparing this report we would like to provide information about progress in the implementation of the scheduled development works.
Interim Report on the Implementation of Development Directions of Polish Official Statistics until 2017 has a structure (layout and content of chapters) similar to the one in the program document. It will allow you to find easily a reference of the previous works effects described in the Report to the intentions described in the Development Directions.
There you can find both reporting and evaluation information (completed activities and assessment of achieving objectives) and guidelines on further works (Further activities), including possible adjustments in the plans adopted in 2012 at the stage of creating the Development Directions.
The development activities planned and implemented in the years 2012-2014 related to increasing role and importance of Polish official statistics on the international stage, reinforcing the position in the national information system and creating a positive image in the society, enriching information offer in connection with the user needs and facilitating access to information resources of statistics. For that purpose, it was necessary to undertake activities involving lifting statistical production effectiveness, manifesting itself both in the process of reorganization of the statistical process and modernization of the IT environment supporting this process.
The achievement of many results of the mentioned activities, especially with regard to the development of IT tools, was fostered by support received from the funds of the European Union under the project SISP and SISP-2 (Public Statistics Information System).