Note: All activities related to the entry into the National Official Business Register, hereinafter referred to as REGON – held by the President of Statistics Poland – are FREE of charge.
National Official Business Register, REGON was established on ground of article 41 point 1 position 1 of the Law dated June 29th, 1995 on official statistics (Journal of Laws 2018, position 997, with later amendments).
Detailed rules for running and actualisation of the register are defined by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 30 November 2015 on the manner and methodology of running and updating the national register of business entities, design applications, questionnaires and certificates (unified text).
REGON register is a continuously actualised set of information on subjects of national economy run as an IT system in the way of central database.
REGON register:
- serves reaching identification cohesion of national economy entities entered into another official registers and information systems of public administration,
- serves uniformity of descriptions used in nomenclatural and classification concepts in all official registers and information systems of public administration,
- provides general characteristics of entities operating in national economy in following cross-sections: territorial, ownership, types of activity, legal form, etc.,
- enables preparation of address list of active entities,
- is the foundation for creation of databases and data banks on national economy entities,
- constitutes the main source of supply for the base of units drawn for statistical surveys.