Statistics Poland (GUS) consists of the following organizational units:
Office of the President
Director Katarzyna CICHOŃSKA, tel. 48 519 542 687
Deputy director Dorota MINASZ
tel. +48 22 608-31-11
The task of the Office of the President is to handle the President of Statistics Poland and other members of the Management and Collective Body, performing tasks resulting from the President’s supervision over units of public statistics services, analysing tasks and needs in the scope of organisation of units of public statistics services, process management, coordination of the risk management process, initiating and monitoring innovative undertakings, legal and legislative service of the Management and keeping archival matters.
Programming, Coordination of Statistical Surveys and Registers Department
Director Alicja KOSZELA, tel. 48 783 932 892
Deputy director Ireneusz BUDZYŃSKI, tel. 695 255 002
Deputy director Magdalena MOTKOWSKA-WÓJCIK, tel. 695 255 026
tel. +48 22 608-31-14, 532 401 193
The task of the Programming, Coordination of Statistical Surveys and Registers Department is to initiate research and development in the field of methodology, coordinate the development of the draft annual programme of statistical surveys of public statistics and the plan of statistical developments, coordinate the preparation of data formats, coordinate the preparation and implementation of statistical surveys and monitor the progress of these works, monitor the application of the European Statistics Code of Practice, coordinate the exchange of statistical data with international organisations, coordination of works in the scope of statistical confidentiality, coordination of work related to recognizing public administration information systems for statistical surveys and cooperation with their administrators, executing orders for unidentifiable individual data for scientific purposes, carry out work on the standardisation of statistical metadata, including basic classification standards, concepts and definitions, construction of statistical survey reports and initiation of research and development works in their methodology and keep national registers of national economy entities (REGON) and territorial division of the country (TERYT).
ICT Systems, Geostatistics and Census Department
Director Janusz DYGASZEWICZ, tel. 48 695 255 056
Deputy director Agnieszka NOWAKOWSKA
Deputy director Anna DŁUGOSZ
tel. +48 22 608-31-87
The task of the ICT Systems, Geostatistics and Census Department is to coordinate work in the field of ICT infrastructure management, development of organisational standards for IT systems and IT projects, coordination of public statistics services units in the design, operation, maintenance and development of IT systems, coordination of activity of units of public statistics services for development of information security management system in public statistics (SZBI), including protection of statistical data and personal data, coordination of work related to the use of geographical information systems (GIS) in statistical surveys, conducting organisational and coordination work for censuses, handling cases from the scope of protection of undisclosed information and defense matters.
Department for Innovation
Director Dominika ROGALIŃSKA, tel. 48 695 255 065
Deputy director Joanna HAUSMAN-CZERWIŃSKA
Deputy director Iwona MIZIOŁEK
tel. 22 608-31-16
The task of the Innovative Department is to usher of innovative approach in the units of public statistics services, including initiation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of innovational activity, conducting by the units of public statistics services, initiate, conduct and coordinate work in the field of new technologies transfer in the scope of Data Science, initiate and program methodology, research and development and experimental work in the field of regional statistics, coordinate of acivity of the units of public statistics services in the field of regional researches, coordinate and conduct spatial research nationwide, develop and prepare collective studies and regional analyses, including spatial ones, carry out and coordinate work related to maintenance the public services monitoring system (SMUP) and regional databases; monitor the sustainable development in the scope of regions, and coordination with external environment in these fields of responsibility.
Statistical Products Department
Director Renata BIELAK, tel. 48 695 255 009
Deputy director Ewa CZUMAJ
Deputy director Justyna GUSTYN
tel. +48 22 608-31-18
The task of the Statistical Products Department is to initiate and carry out work aimed at preparing and shaping of information sharing policy, management of data sharing systems at the national level; preparing of collective information, analyses and publications characterising the socio-economic situation of the country and international comparisons, program and coordinate work in the field of monitoring sustainable development and development policy of country, coordinate works in the field of publicity activities of public statistics and organise works on the maintenance and developemnet of science publicities in Statistics Poland.
National Accounts Department
Director Anita PERZYNA, tel. 48 784 909 794
Deputy director Alicja TRUSZYŃSKA, tel. +48 695 255 050
Deputy director Ewa SOROCZYŃSKA
tel. +48 22 608-31-17
The task of the National Accounts Department is to initiate, program, carry out and coordinate the surveys, develop methodological principles, conduct research and development, statistical analyses and issue publications regarding the results of research and analyses in the scope of national accounts system, fiscal notification of debt, government and local government deficit investments and fixed assets in the national economy, international comparisons of GDP and purchasing power parity of currencies and presenting their results, carry out and prepare for issuing publications and results of research in these areas.
Macroeconomic Studies and Finance Statistics Department
Director Mirosław BŁAŻEJ, tel. 48 519 542 662
Deputy director Hubert Stefaniak
tel. +48 22 608-37-73
The task of the Macroeconomic and Finance Studies Department is to initiate, program and conduct the surveys, methodological, studial, research and development, statistical analyses and issue publications in the area of results of research and statistical analyses in the scope of socio-economic situation, including macroeconomic; prosperity, taking into account regional, sectoral and international conditions, as well as the public finance sector, including local government budgets and institutions and the financial market, develop and prepare for issuing publications and analyses regarding the results of research in these areas.
Demographic Surveys Department
Director Anna WYSOCKA, tel. 48 519 542 671
Deputy director Katarzyna GÓRAL-RADZISZEWSKA
tel. +48 22 608-32-26
The task of the Demographic Surveys Department is to initiate, program, develop methodologies and coordinate surveys in the areas of: demography, migration of people, households and families, ethnic and religious structure of Polish residents, develop demographic forecasts and develop and publish survey results and statistical analyses in these areas.
Social Surveys and Labour Market Department
Director Hanna STRZELECKA, tel. 48 783 931 392
Deputy director Szymon WOZNIAK
Deputy director Piotr ŁYSOŃ
tel. +48 22 608-31-22
The task of the Social Surveys Department is to initiate, program and conduct surveys, methodological studies and statistical analyses as well as publish research results and statistical analyses in terms of quality and conditions of life, health statistics, national heritage, family, childcare, crime, justice, social economy, social capital and social services and multidimensional social statistics, instances of religiosity, labour resources and the degree of their using, including detailed characteristics of the employees, unemployed and economically inactive based on household and volunteer surveys, as well as prepare thematic scope and methodology of censuses in the field of labour market.
Trade and Services Department
Director Ewa ADACH-STANKIEWICZ, tel. 48 695 255 067
Deputy director Agnieszka MATULSKA-BACHURA, tel. 695 255 000
Deputy director Anna BOBEL
tel. +48 22 608-31-24
The Trade and Services Department is to initiate, program and conduct methodological works, coordinate surveys and carry out and issue the results of surveys and statistical analysis regarding commercial and catering activities, business relations with foreign countries, municipal infrastructure and housing, business services, real estate transactions and prices: consumer, of producers in the field of industrial and construction activities, services in agriculture, import and export, real estate and land, as well as natural gas and electricity, as well as initiating work in the field of data sources modernisation through their diversification and integration.
Enterprises Department
Director Katarzyna WALKOWSKA, tel. 48 695 255 063
Deputy director Aneta PŁATEK
Deputy director Joanna ŚLEPOWROŃSKA
tel. +48 22 608-31-25
The task of the Enterprises Department is to initiate and conduct methodological work, initiate, program, conduct and develop statistical surveys as well as to develop and publish research results and statistical analyses, including multifaceted ones, on the structure and economic effects of the non-financial enterprises sector, including entities with foreign capital and enterprise groups, as well as investment activities and the state of fixed assets of enterprises, material effects of industrial activities, as well as conduct detailing analysis of the largest multinational enterprises operating in Poland, as well as develop methodology in these areas.
Agriculture and Environment Department
Director Marta WOJCIECHOWSKA, tel. 48 784 393 246
Deputy director Tomasz MILEWSKI
tel. +48 22 608-31-28
The task of the Agriculture and Environment Department is to program and conduct methodological works, coordinate surveys and develop and publish results of research and statistical analyses in the field of agricultural production resources, plant productions, animal productions, purchase of agricultural products, balances of agricultural products, supply of agricultural means of production, measures agricultural production, economic accounts of agriculture, food security at the level of primary production, economic or market situation on agriculture, non-agricultural activities related to a farm and initiate research and development works, program and conduct methodological works, coordinate surveys as well as develop and publish results of research and statistical analysis in the field of condition, threats and environmental protection, water and sewage management in industry, waste management other than municipal waste, economic aspect of environmental protection, economics accounts of the environment.
International Relations and Statistical Cooperation Department
Director Olga ŚWIERKOT-STRUŻEWSKA, tel. 48 783 931 418
Deputy director Barbara JAROSIŃSKA
tel. +48 22 608-31-10
The task of the International Relations and Statistical Cooperation Department is to organise and coordinate cooperation between units of public statistics services within the European Statistical System, as well as with statistical offices of countries outside the European Union and with international organisations.
Education and Communication Department
Director Magdalena AMBROCH, tel. 48 783 933 641
Deputy director Marta JANKOWSKA
tel. +48 22 608-31-12
The task of the Department of Education and Communication is to popularize and communicate statistical information including that announced under existing legal acts and international obligations, communicate the activity of official statistics and its services and products, initiate and implement and coordinate educational and informational activities, statistical education, format ithe image of statistics Poland and internal communication.
Administration and Budget Department
Deputy director Katarzyna GARNYS
Department of statistics Chief Accountant Agnieszka PIETROŃ
Chief Accountant of Statistics Poland Zbigniew BOROWSKI
tel. +48 22 608-32-98
The task of the Administration and Budget Department is to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of the principal financial manager, calculate statistical research costs, financial and accounting service of the Statistics Poland and organisation of public procurement in Statistics Poland, manage contracts and monitor their implementation, for contracts concluded for the needs of Departments of Statistics Poland – conducting cases involving housing economy and administration of buildings at the disposal of Statistics Poland, including security, technical and economic services, administrative service, records and management of property, as well as conducting social affairs.
Organisation and Personnel Office
Director Katarzyna PISAŃSKA-BOROWSKA, tel. 48 695 255 045
Deputy director Renata NOWICKA
tel. +48 22 608-31-49
The task of the Organisation and Personnel Office is to conduct matters resulting from the competence of the Civil Service Director of Statistics Poland in terms of ensuring continuity and organisation of work of Statistics Poland, including: preparation of drafts organisational regulations, internal regulations of departments, organisation of staff recruitment, handling issues in the scope of descriptions and evaluation of positions, coordinate the process of preparing employee evaluations in Statistics Poland, staff service and conduct cases in the field of work discipline, examine training needs, conduct work in the field of preparing a human resources management programme in Statistics Poland, conduct inspections in Statistics Poland, ensure health and safety at work in Statistics Poland and carry out tasks connected with the implementation of crisis management procedures.