President of Statistics Poland Marek Cierpiał-Wolan

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President of Statistics Poland Marek Cierpiał-Wolan directly supervises the work of:

  • Office of the President with subject to Civil Service Director's direct supervision on matters of internal audit, keeping archival matters,
  • Programming and Coordination of Statistical Surveys and Registers Department,
  • ICT Systems, Geostatistics and Census Department,
  • Department for Innovation,
  • Statistical Products Department,
  • National Accounts Department,
  • Macroeconomic Studies and Finance Statistics Department,
  • Trade and Services Department,
  • Enterprises Department,
  • International Relations and Statistical Cooperation Department,
  • Education and Communication Department,
  • Administration and Budget Department as first-level disposer of budget funds,
  • Statistical Computing Centre,
  • Central Statistical Library;
  • Statistical Publishing  Establishment.

Office: tel. +48 22 608-31-00, fax +48 22 608-38-63.

According to article 25 of the Act of 29 June 1995 on official statistics (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 997 and 1000, as amended), the President of Statistics Poland performs the following tasks:

1. recognising the demand for statistical information and analyses, coordinating the work and preparing a draft programme of statistical surveys of official statistics and presenting it to the Council;
2. organising and conducting statistical surveys and determining their methodology;
3. collecting, gathering and handling statistical data and its analysis;
3a. preparing and publishing, on an annual basic, the National Health Account in the “Monitor Polski”, Official Journal of the Republic of Poland;
4. conducting censuses;
5. storing statistical data;
6. developing standard classifications, nomenclatures and definitions of major categories, determining correspondence between them and their interpretation;
7. making available and disseminating statistical information, including major figures and indicators;
8. preparing and announcing demographic forecasts and statistical economic and social forecasts;
9. presenting to the President, the Parliament (Sejm and Senate), government administration bodies, the Supreme Audit Office (NIK), the National Bank of Poland, units of local authorities and other governmental institutions, statistical information in the scope, time frames and forms specified in the programme of statistical surveys,
10. maintaining national official registers: the register of business entities of the national economy and the register of the territorial division of the country;
11. conducting statistical surveys and analyses resulting from the international obligations undertaken by the Republic of Poland;
12. conducting statistical international comparisons and announcing their results;
13. satisfying the obligation to submit statistical data to international organisations undertaken by the Republic of Poland;
14. cooperating with the international and regional organisations specialising in statistics, as well as the agencies and offices of other countries;
15. conducting scientific, research and development works in the field of the methodology of statistical surveys, classification standards and the application of mathematical and computing methods in statistics;
16. conducting training courses and upgrading knowledge in the field of statistics;
17. promoting knowledge about statistics.

Organizational structure of Statistics Poland
